Reliable Tests

24 X 7 Lab Service

Function 24×7 with round the clock staff on the job. Our laboratories* are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and we take great pride in providing quick turnaround results on the tests conducted. We continuously strive to provide the most accurate of results and the tests are all conducted in clean, hygienically sterilized conditions.

CT Scan / X-Ray / Echo

An echocardiogram (echo) uses ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to produce images. It creates videos of your heart’s chambers, valves, walls and blood vessels. Doppler echocardiograms can also be used to measure the flow of blood through different chambers of your heart.


An echocardiogram helps measure your heart’s pumping action and the severity of heart failure. It can also help identify a valve problem, infection, blood clot or hole in your heart. Since this test can give a lot of information without using radiation or radioactive substances, heart doctors frequently use it.

A cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan is a procedure that utilizes multiple X-ray beams from different angles to acquire high-quality, three-dimensional (3D) images of your heart, along with your great vessels and surrounding structures.


Cardiac CT uses advanced CT technology, with or without intravenous (IV) contrast (dye) to better visualize your heart structure and associated blood vessels. With multi-slice scanning, your healthcare provider can get high-resolution, 3D images of your moving heart and great vessels.

USG Scan / Treadmill

An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to make an image of a person’s internal body structures. Doctors commonly use ultrasound to study a developing fetus (unborn baby), a person’s abdominal and pelvic organs, muscles and tendons, or their heart and blood vessels. Other names for an ultrasound scan include sonogram or (when imaging the heart) an echocardiogram.

The ultrasound machine directs high-frequency sound waves at the internal body structures being examined. The reflected sounds, or echoes, are recorded to create an image that can be seen on a monitor. The sound waves are emitted and received from a small, hand-held probe. The high frequency of the sound means the human ear cannot hear it – which is why it is called ultrasound.

As the name of the test suggests, it makes use of treadmills so that the cardiac health of a person can be assessed when the person is at the peak of physical exertion. This is one of the forms of physical investigations that help to find out about the detailed health of a human heart and even trace deep-lying problems, which would have been otherwise undetected. The machines or the treadmills used for TMT in hospitals happen to be of a similar quality as found in gyms. It can be said that the treadmills that are found in hospitals often happen to be of the latest models and designs and offer ace features and amenities for its users.

Users can adjust the speed of the treadmill to greater variations, the inclination and the angle of the conveyor belt used for walking or jogging can be adjusted and changed as required. This offers a better workout experience for the users.

The only difference that you can point out between the treadmills in gyms and hospitals is that in the latter case an ECG machine is installed at a nearby position so that the heartbeat rate and the blood pressure and blood flow of the individual can be recorded accurately. If any the difference in the treadmill machines of hospitals and gyms is that probably the quality found in the former places are of a better standard, although the basics remain the same in both the places.